German Scholars Boston – Resume Book 2017/2018


***** Ladies & Gentlemen, World Citizens, Friends & Colleagues *****
We have the pleasure to request the submission of your valued resume!
Be Part of the 2017/18 Resume Book & Reach Hundreds of Top Companies

                 Who Is Invited to Submit Their CV

                 Under/Graduates, PostDocs & Young
                 Professionals of Any Nation, Who:

+++ Want a Career at a German Enterprise, anywhere in the World +++
+++ Want a Career at a Austria, Germany or Suisse-based Company +++
+++ Want a Career at a German-speaking Firm – Anywhere on Earth +++
    This means any nationality and mother tongue is applicable.

The CV Book will be distributed free of charge for resume submitters.
Top companies worldwide have expressed interest in receiving the book.

Companies in at least these industries will receive the resume book:
general, consulting, investment banking, financial services, hightech,
computer science, engineering, health, medicine, life sciences, media,
advertising, marketing, publishing, real estate, arts & entertainment,
retail, non-profit, R&D, government, public service for summer, intern
& full time jobs, especially for penultimate/final year submitters.

The resume book will reach hundreds of top companies such as these:
Deutsche Bank, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Siemens, BCG,
McKinsey, Procter & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson, Coca-Cola, Intel, IBM,
GE, Microsoft, Nokia, Daimler Crysler, TUI, BMW, SAP, Volkswagen, 3M,
Nestle, Adidas, Bertelsmann, Deutsche Telekom, Bosch, Metro, Allianz,
Bayer, BASF, Beiersdorf, DHL, Degussa, EON, EADS, Grundig, Intershop,
Quelle, Kloeckner, Linde, Rotkaeppchen, Lufthansa, Swiss Re, Porsche,
Schering, Sennheiser, Storck, Suedzucker, Tchibo, ThyssenKrupp, Otto,
Zeiss, Hoechst, Henkel, Hochtief, MAN, Munich Re, RWE, DKV, Novartis,
Miele, REWE, Kraft, ABB, EBRD, eBay, Skype, UN, IMF, World Bank, IFC.

These firms recruit globally and may offer employment in many regions.
You will then hear back from companies which received the resume book
once they act on particular resumes selected according to their need.
Please be aware of the fact that recruiters oft prefer a one-page CV.

         Simply email your resume as a PDF attachment to
         Extended deadline for submissions: 31-MAY-2018.

Feel free to forward this invitation to anyone who will appreciate it.
Thank you for your help and your interest in this benevolent action!

If you wish to verify the authenticity of this action, please do visit

Sponsored by: GSB German Scholars Boston & GSA German Scholars Agency